Upcoming and previous events

Power and Politics

Power and Politics

People in roles of authority have been known for some striking expressions, such as Caesar – Veni, Vidi, Vici (I came, I saw, I conquered), or Bonaparte – Le pouvoir c'est en artiste que je l'aime (I love power. But it is as an artist that I love it). They embody two important aspects that are inseparable, Power and Politics. Where do such shady lines cross when music is governed by Power and Politics, or the reverse when Power and Politics dominate the expression of music? Seraphim brushes the surface of works that experienced political and powerful interference ranging from South African apartheid, Nazi degenerate music, and murderous villains. Encounter the works of Gal, Gesualdo, Byrd, Mendelssohn, Connesson, and more.

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Noël - O Nuit Brilliante

Noël - O Nuit Brilliante

The spirit of Christmas is on the lips of Seraphim Chamber Choir as they sing an evening of choral masterpieces and carols from regions around the world. Many sparkling works that unite the charm of the holidays. Traditional carols, new songs, and dusted-off treasures, join in singing at this heart-warming concert.


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L'enfance du Christ – Berlioz

L'enfance du Christ – Berlioz

L’Orchestre Symphonique de Montreal et Choeur OSM

Avec L’enfance du Christ, Berlioz inaugure la tradition de l’oratorio romantique. Divisée en trois parties, avec le concours de solistes, du chœur et de l’orchestre, cette œuvre connut un grand succès à sa création à Paris en 1854. Du songe d’Hérode à la fuite de la Sainte Famille en Égypte et à leur arrivée à Saïs, Berlioz dépeint ces épisodes bibliques avec une grande sensibilité et une atmosphère plus intimiste que dans ses autres grandes fresques sacrées. Le public de l’OSM aura le bonheur de retrouver le chef français Hervé Niquet, dont le précédent passage à l’OSM a été particulièrement remarqué.

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Noël 2(luxe) – Christmas with Seraphim

Noël 2(luxe) – Christmas with Seraphim

Seraphim Chamber Choir

Rekindling the spirit of Christmas, Seraphim Chamber Choir presents Noël 2(luxe), a collection of Carols and Choral Songs from England, France, Germany and other regions of the world. A sparkling event that unites the charm of the holiday season. Join Seraphim with traditional carols, hidden gems by Rautavaara and Gorczycki, and sing-a-long to some well-known favourites.

Donation suggested $20

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La Nuit des Temps - Time Immemorial

La Nuit des Temps - Time Immemorial

Seraphim Chamber Choir

As we transition back into a sense of routine and normality, it feels like a considerable span of time has simply drifted away to the misty edges of our memory. In reconnecting with the events and activities that give us joy, Seraphim Chamber Choir and concert organist Dr. Maria Budácōvá, present music that reminds us of these pleasurable moments. Cure your notion of time with Victoria’s O Doctor optime, works by Icelandic composer Gudmundsson, Canadian Matthew Emery, and timeless J.S. Bach.

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